Sunday, November 30, 2014

'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Trailer Now Available [Mac Blog]

That was 90 seconds of footage. That's not a teaser, that's a trailer. We saw at least 1% of the entire movie right there - teasers are normally closer to 0.3%.

Furthermore, that was so completely uninteresting. That looked like it had the potential to be worse than the prequels, as if they weren't bad enough.

I'll never understand how anyone could be interested in such a stupid universe where the "best" warriors choose to bring swords to gun fights (given how swiftly hundreds of jedi are killed by storm troopers in Episode 3 and how few storm troopers are put down, it seems to me that the title of jedi is highly overrated). Anyone who's interested in a scientific universe that isn't retarded, all 7 seasons of Star Trek Next Generation is all available on Netflix (and other streaming services.) You could probably choose the worst 9 hours of footage from that show and every hour would be better than the best hour of Star Wars.

Blankets don't come much wetter than this.

Source Article from
'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Trailer Now Available [Mac Blog]

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