Tuesday, March 17, 2015

BitTorrent-like P2P software updates could be coming to Windows 10 http://revealedtech.com/computer-system/bittorrent-like-p2p-software-updates-could-be-coming-to-windows-10/

Windows 10

If you’ve ever impatiently watched the progress bar fill for a Windows update, salvation is on the horizon. Leaked screenshots of an unreleased Windows 10 build show that peer-to-peer software updates are coming to Redmond’s next major OS release, so hopefully the patching process will be less time-consuming going forward.

Build 10036 of Windows 10 recently leaked onto the Internet, and the folks over at Neowin have found an interesting little nugget tucked away deep in the settings. In the “Choose how you download updates” section of the settings, you can toggle on the ability to download updates from multiple sources. Once that’s turned on, you can choose between accepting updates only from PCs on your local network, or from PCs across the entire Internet.

Presumably, this peer-to-peer solution is being implemented in an attempt to reduce the bandwidth costs of delivering software patches to the world. And assuming participation in this delivery mechanism is completely opt-in, I don’t see any problem here. After all, most Linux distributions are delivered using BitTorrent, and developers like Blizzard use P2P protocols to deliver gigs and gigs of updates for PC games.

P2P Screenshot

Image credit: Neowin

Of course, we still don’t know for sure what kind of P2P system this feature will use. BitTorrent is obviously a popular choice, but TorrentFreak points out that Microsoft has its very own peer-to-peer implementation dubbed “Project Avalanche.” In March of 2013, Microsoft purchased an NYC-based P2P technology company called “Pando Networks,” so all of that technology might finally come to bear.

Assuming that Microsoft has the proper validation system in place to prevent bogus files from proliferating, this is a completely reasonable measure. And in fact, Microsoft even owns patents for P2P encryption schemes, so it wouldn’t be surprising at all to see Microsoft using its own proprietary peer-to-peer set-up.

It’s also worth mentioning that this functionality could easily be cut before the official release. Microsoft hasn’t announced this feature, and we only know about it because of the leaked Windows 10 build. Just don’t get too attached to this idea — it might never see the light of day.

So, what do you think? Would you be willing to dedicate a portion of your Internet connection to help strangers download Windows updates faster? Does the idea of downloading security updates from the unwashed masses freak you out? Let your voice be heard in the comment section down below. As for me, I think I’ll leave this feature toggled off.

Source Article from http://www.extremetech.com/computing/201269-bittorrent-like-p2p-software-updates-could-be-coming-to-windows-10 http://www.extremetech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Windows-101-640x353.jpeg
BitTorrent-like P2P software updates could be coming to Windows 10

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