Saturday, January 3, 2015

Twitter's built-in video player runs 10 minutes of high-quality footage

We've known for a while that Twitter's been planning to stick a homemade video player in your timeline, but for the most part, details have been scarce. Now we've got a closer look, as Daniel Raffel has flagged a Twitter FAQ about the player that sheds some light on the idea. According to the site, the player lets users upload up to 10 minutes of video in the MP4 or MOV format. Notably, the company is not capping a size limit on the video files, and are thus "encouraging partners to use the highest resolution source video."

One word in that phrase — partners — suggests the project is aimed toward advertising for businesses and brands, rather than your everyday user. But perhaps in a sign of things to come, Twitter is shutting out YouTube. "In order to provide the best experience for the user we require that all videos be uploaded and hosted by Twitter," the FAQ reads. "The same video that was uploaded to YouTube can also be uploaded to Twitter, but you cannot reuse the YouTube URL with the Twitter video player." In other words, if you want to take advantage of Twitter's player — and possibly any added features, like analytics tracking — you'll have to play by Twitter's rules.

Update: Included example video.

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Twitter's built-in video player runs 10 minutes of high-quality footage

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