A recently funded Kickstarter project wants to create technology that can beam virtual reality into an entire room. The project, called Immersis, plans to make virtual reality something that a group of people can experience all at the same time — without wearing anything on their faces.
The company behind the project, Catopsys, calls Immeris an "innovative, disruptive technology" and says it can change the social aspects of virtual reality. The projector, which Wired points out looks like a sinister Pixar lamp, can connect to your computer and beam any content in 180 degrees.
"An immersive, disruptive technology"
The technology can adapt an image to fit the size and shape of any room it's in, but Immersis users must first create a 3D model of the room they're going to use it in. Because this will be an obstacle for many people, Catopsys has limited the number of users who have access to this technology. Kickstarter backers who pledge $150 or more will receive early developer kits with full access to the project's Developer Center. A stretch goal for Immersis promises automatic 3D acquisition and calibration.
It's unclear how the VR will look in person, and this may be just another example of virtual reality hype moving faster than its legs can carry it, but it's interesting to see just where the hype can take us.
- ViaWired
- SourceImmersis Kickstarter
- Image CreditImmersis
Source Article from http://www.theverge.com/2015/2/15/8041835/virtual-reality-kickstarter-room-immersis http://revealedtech.com/image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw==
A Kickstarter project wants to make immersive virtual reality for groups
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