Thursday, February 12, 2015

New 'App Pins' Allow Users to Install iOS Apps Right From Pinterest's App

WTF - going to Pinterest to install apps. So is apple going to allow this for all social sites at some point?

I really do question Apple's thinking here.

As long as they get their 30%, why should they care. Making it easier for dev and users is all to Apple's advantage.


Wasn't Apple previously against 'app discovery' apps - admittedly most of which would tell you what apps went free / on sale / discounted?

They were supposedly against 5.5 inch screens too... Maybe they changed idea after the 1M+ app in the app store.

The least steps there are between wanting the app (the sales pitch) and buying it, more you buy. That's why Apple changed this. The app is still in the app store too.

Source Article from
New 'App Pins' Allow Users to Install iOS Apps Right From Pinterest's App

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