Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Make the Window Resizing Animation Speed Instant in Mac OS X http://goo.gl/kMlffT

Speed up Window Resize Animations in OS X

Speed Up Window Resizing Animations in Mac OS X

When you hit the green maximize button to resize windows on a Mac or send things into full screen mode, a fancy visual animation shows the redrawing of the window size as the active window expands outwards. While this looks great and many users will be happy with the default resizing animation time in OS X, it can feel sluggish to some users, and others may just not be a particular fan of excess eye candy effects in general.

For Mac users who want to dramatically speed up the animation time of window resizing events, you can turn to the terminal and adjust the window resize time with a defaults command string. In fact, by shortening the window redraw time to a tiny fraction of a second, you can basically make the resize animation instant, which can give the feeling that OS X is a bit faster.

This requires the usage of the Terminal which tends to limit these commands to more advanced users. The command strings work the same in all modern versions of OS X, including Yosemite and Mavericks.

Dramatically Speed Up Window Resizing Animation Speed in Mac OS X

  1. Open the Terminal (found in /Applications/Utilities) and enter the following command string exactly:

  2. defaults write -g NSWindowResizeTime -float 0.003

  3. Quit and relaunch all apps for the change to take effect, including Finder

Speed up the window resize animation time in Mac OS X with a defaults command string

Relaunching apps is essential for the change to carry over to those applications, you can use this quit all apps Automator script we’ve covered before, manually quit out of any active GUI applications, or even reboot the Mac which may be easier for some users.

When you open an application again, hit the green resize button and the window resize time will now be lightning fast, skipping the expansion animation as well. (Recall in OS X Yosemite you need to Option+Click the green button if you want to zoom and resize rather than send the window into full screen)

Resizing a window instantly in OS X

The video below demonstrates the before and after effect of using the defaults write command, showing the window resize time in the Terminal application at it’s default setting, and at it’s modified speedy setting:

And yes, this also speeds up the animation time if you use keyboard shortcuts to manage your window resizing and zooming in OS X.

The end result, other than the obvious, is that it can make a Mac actually feel faster, if only by a fraction of a second.

Return to the Default Window Resizing Animation Speed in Mac OS X

If you’ve decided you aren’t a fan of the ultrafast window resize time and want the nice stretchy animation back, you can either modify the ResizeTime or simply delete the defaults string with the following command entered into Terminal:

defaults delete -g NSWindowResizeTime

Again, you would need to relaunch all active applications for the change to take effect and to return to the default window resizing animation speed.

Source Article from http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/osxdaily/~3/XN4umntNbAs/ http://revealedtech.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/speed-up-window-resize-animations-mac-osx-610x343.jpg
Make the Window Resizing Animation Speed Instant in Mac OS X

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